Fooblog Forums
March 5th, 2007, posted by FofR

The support requests for configurations have been pouring in over the last week or so, my inbox has been quite busy. As a result of this I have decided to implement a sexy new forums system into the site – this way we can discuss bugs, etc. out in the open without the closed doors of an email conversation.

Now, I imagine the first thing you will be thinking is – “but we already have Hydrogen Audio…”. This is true, and this forum does not seek to be either a replacement or a competitor. HA focuses predominantly on the development of foobar and its assorted components. The fooblog forums (how can we shorten that?) shall instead be aimed at helping users develop and distribute interesting configurations and design aesthetics. I also hope that it will encourage more users to post to this blog and the site in general.

The login and registration for this blog and the forums are tied, you need only sign up once and if you are logged in on the forums you will also be logged in here. All existing blog members already have an account over at the forums. As a logged in user you can obviously post topics and replies at the forums, you can also post comments to blog posts under your forum name (without having to type in your username and email each time, and, after a set number of posts, your comments will appear instantly). You can also write and store draft articles for this site under your username; on each topic page there is a direct link to the blog’s article submission page, with a little bit of javascript to facilitate getting forums content into a well formatted blog post.

With no further delays, the forums can be found here:

2 Responses to “Fooblog Forums”

  1. noneckjoe Says:

    “The fooblog forums (how can we shorten that?)”


  2. jameszab Says:
