June 25th, 2007, posted by shakey_snake
June 25th, 2007, posted by shakey_snake
Introducing ssconfig4, a new layout for panelsUI.
ssconfig4 is designed to be very easy to use, powerful, and still retain style and Configurability.
Notable Features:
- Minimal Required components
- Many optional components that are easily integrated into the layout so the user can use only the components they want
- Installation Validation
- A Discogs panel to display and link you to information present in the powerful catalog, retrieved with the foo_discogs component
- A custom history panel to keep track of your recently played tracks
- Ratings, Tracks and Album SCPL views
- Easy to use options panel allowing user to select their user color
- A custom lyrics panel and LyricsShow support for timed lyrics
- and much more!
Animated Previews: (they don’t really do it justice)
Required Components:
- foo_ui_panels (0.13.8 or later)
- foo_ui_columns
- foo_cwb_hooks
- foo_playcount (official) or foo_playcount_mod
Optional components:
- foo_discogs
- foo_playlist_tree
- foo_uie_albumlist
- foo_uie_explorer
- foo_browser
- foo_uie_lyrics
- foo_lyricsDB
- foo_uie_vis_egoh
- foo_uie_playlist_dropdown
- foo_uie_quicksearch
- foo_uie_queuemanager
October 11th, 2007 at 6:24 am
i like your blog and your fb2k’s skins very much.